El verbo should significa deberìa y se usa para dar o pedir consejos,indicar algo que es incorrecto, hacer sugerencias cuando no sabemos las respuestas,
you should do your english work.
You shouldn`t drink liquor, it is harmful to healt.
Should I go to walk with you?
Pasado Simple – (Simple Past Tense)
Este es un tiempo verbal utilizado para describir acciones sucedidas en el pasado y que ya han sucedido .En el primero de los casos forman su Pasado Simple añadiendo la terminación ED al infinitivo,
I played afirmativo
did I played? interrogativo
I did not play. negativo
Los irregulares reciben ese nombre por no seguir un patrón determinado y en este caso deben estudiarse individualmente.
they saw t.v. last night.
Se utiliza para expresar obligaciòn.
She has to go to do the work.
Los comparativos son adjetivos que se usan para comparar dos personas o cosas.
Duitama is smaller than Bogotà.
Generalmente formamos el comparativo añadiendo er al adjetivo
small pequeño
smaller mas pequeño
si el adjetivo termina con e solamente agregamos la r para formar el comparativo.
ejm: Large-Larger
Si la palabra termina en consonante y luego y, se cambia la y por la i y se añade er.
Doble Consonante
Si una palabra termina con una consonante, una vocal, y luego otra consonante y la sílaba fuerte es la última, duplica la última letra antes de añadir -er .
big- bigger
"More" con Palabras Largas
Si la palabra es de dos sílabas o más (una palabra larga) y no termina con y, usamos la palabra more, en vez .
expensive - more expensive
Comparativos Irregulares
bad - worse
far - farther
El gerund - The "ing" form of the
para formar el gerundio se agrega ing al
verbo en infinitivo
ejm: I am studying psychology.
Los conectores son palabras que sirven para establecer un tipo de relaciòn en una oraciòn.
Hay diferentes clases de conectores entre estos:
de adiciòn , de contraste y causales.
De adiciòn:Se emplean para añadir ideas,los mas usados: furthermore(ademàs)moreover(Por otra parte)in addition(en adiciòn)but also(pero tambièn)
De contraste: usan para contraponer dos ideas, los mas usados
howerever(sin embargo) On the other hand(por otro lado)
Causales: Muestran causa de algo, los mas usados: because(porque). therefore(entonces), since(ya que).
In this paper we find a text where you can see that we learned in this course.
Children should never be educated at home by their parents. Do you agree or disagree?
List of words and connectors
Violence love
But also
Not only
In addition
As a result
in addition
responsible society
basic principles
Children should never be educated at home by their parents. Do you agree or disagree?
Main idea
I disagree with this statement because I think that the family is the place where children find their first teachers, and they learn through example. The education begins at home and the family is a social institution, it contributes to the construction of a humane and responsible society. The education received at home is essential and indispensable to create the basis of a person furthermore the family life is the most influential experience in the life of an individual, in addition the family leaves their indelible mark on the life and essence of every individual, because the parents are natural teachers for excellence therefore home is the first school for children as a result a good education in home forms people functional, responsible, aware of their needs moreover it forms individuals with values and basic principles.
Supporting ideas
Education in some families has not favored the formation of the children, for this reason, the society has been deteriorating since the education wrong creates irresponsible individuals however today parents do not punish their children ,for this reason, we see in our society problems such as prostitution, drug addiction, alcoholism and violence.
The parents can blame others for the education wrong of their children, but really the education begins at home.
In the past we were educated differently because our parents were very hard with us, in addition, our grandparents left a ruthless mark in our lives because they were the greatest example for us.
The parents should worry more about the education of their children therefore families should educate through example, they should teach values, and give love and understanding to their children. Parents should take half an hour daily to their children and also to share with them play and recreational spaces there are many ways to have fun they can practice a sport or a board game, these spaces favor the bonds of affection among family.
The children are reflecting their parents; if the children receive a good education at home, they will be big people in society.
The education begins at home.
The best legacy of a father is to educate their children.
Thanks for your attention, I hope this message reaches all of you.
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